Home Based V/S Center Based Therapy
ABA therapy practice locations: Is one better or more effective than the other?
Perhaps you know that applied behavior analysis, or ABA, is the most effective treatment for children with autism. However, when it comes to ABA therapy locations, you may wonder whether home-based is better than center-based ABA, or vice versa.
Sensational Kidz Therapy Services provides both home-based and center-based ABA because each location offers unique treatment benefits.
*At the moment we are accepting kids for In Center ABA Therapy only*
Understanding the benefits of different ABA therapy locations
Autism doesn’t affect just one area of your child’s life, so ABA shouldn’t be confined to only one location. By utilizing multiple ABA therapy locations, the treatment team at Sensational Kidz can help you address concerns in different areas.
Home-based therapy allows our therapists to provide treatment in everyday situations in your home, whereas center-based therapy allows them to perform ABA in a structured environment in our centers. Each location offers unique benefits.
Although the locations are different, you can count on two constants. Your child will receive highly effective, evidence-based ABA therapy from our experienced team. You will also be involved in the process, as the SKTS family believes that ABA is most effective when the child’s family plays an active role in the treatment process.
Developing an individualized treatment plan
The treatment professionals at Sensational Kidz know that each child has unique needs. You will work with your child’s therapist to determine the best therapy environment for him or her. Our goal is to treat the children who walk through our doors with a customized ABA treatment plan designed to help them become happy and productive members of their families, communities and world.